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Friends, thank you for your interest in my latest book, A Return to Head Covering! 

I know the subject matter isn’t the most popular in the world, especially in light of the stigma associated with the practice (that’s putting it mildly!).  

Well, I’d like to put you at ease:

  • I’m not attempting to force anyone to do anything 

  • I’m not a legalist, and this book isn’t about legalism

  • I don’t embrace some imbalanced view of “patriarchy” 

  • I’m not a muslim or a hebrew israelite :)

I am a protestant, evangelical, Spirit-filled, trinitarian, husband, father, and pastor who believes in the inerrancy, infallibility, inspiration, and sufficiency of the Holy Bible and that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God and God the Son.  I believe that one is saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone!

I actually stumbled into this book quite innocently, simply by teaching through 1 Corinthians as a local church pastor trying to be faithful to the Text of Scripture.  This book expands upon the sermon I initially preached on 1 Corinthians 11:1-16, chronicles a bit of my journey since then, and attempts to explain some of the more confusing verses (see the “Because of the Angels” and “It’s Not Hair” chapters) in a bit more detail.

As controversial as this subject is, please know that I’m NOT a glutton for punishment!  I wrote this book for two primary reasons:

  1. First, I wrote this book because I love my church family.  I want the book to be both an apologetic and an encouragement for them.  Some of our sisters cover.  Some do not.  Regardless, we are still charged with preaching the Gospel and walking in love.  My desire is that this book will, at a minimum, help all parties understand and communicate what we believe to visitors, family, and friends in a godly way.

  2. Many who heard the sermon online asked for more information.  I pray this effort is a blessing to them.

Friends, whether you agree or disagree with my conclusions, I think you will enjoy this very thought-provoking book.

May the LORD bless you as you labor in His vineyard,

Carlton C. McLeod