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About this Book

The household is the first and most fundamental institution God created. Every other jurisdiction is built upon godly families. In recent decades, the household has undergone massive changes and endured much degradation. Our culture and society reflect this loss and damage.

Divorce rates remain historically high. Pursuit of married life has fallen. Men are afraid to be men. Women are ashamed to be women. Children are confused about who they are. Perversity and wickedness abound.

This book paints another picture. The household, as it is portrayed in Scripture, is beautiful. It is designed for dominion! Strong fathers, esteemed mothers, impactful singles, valued grandparents, and discipled children lead to effective churches and a stable society.

The book is an attempt to lay out a simple but Christ-centered, Bible- saturated playbook for families to follow. It is divided into five parts. These are the Main Areas of Health we must consider; they are foundational “must-have” truths meant to lead and guide households into biblical health. Biblically healthy households:

  1. Are Built upon the Rock of Christ

  2. Honor and Esteem Fathers and Mothers

  3. Joyfully Accept God-defined Roles in Family

  4. Practice Spiritual Disciplines

  5. Have a Unified Purpose

This book will prayerfully inspire the reader to this sort of biblical health their household. The Bible is sufficient in all matters including family. We must prayerfully and passionately look to Scripture to fix what ails us.

May the Lord Jesus help every reader of this book do just that.